Roma Week 2022 Conference was a real success.

The 4th day of Roma Week 2022 is also the last one. Today in the European Parliament a series of conclusions will be drawn. Romani Week 2022 closes today with the presentation of many topics designed to change the rasist attitudes against the romani community. Main speeches which took place in Bruxelles against romani discrimination and segregation are as follows: ”The Role of the Media in Combating Antigypsyism”; ”Romani political participation at the grassroots level and Roma representation in the public institutions”; ”Towards zero segregation in education in Europe” and ”Capacity building for Roma Health Equity” MEP Monica Silvana Gonzales stated the fact that ” on social networks the Rasism is nowadays just transferred in social media. Unfortunately, we cannot see the full content, we see just one part according to what we like, but the whole phenomenon of racism doesn`t get to us.” Racism must be known as the main cause of segregation and exclusion. One of the main lines of The European Council's Strategic Action Plan on Roma Inclusion (2020-2025) combats discrimination and aims to truly uphold equality of rights.